
Who We Are

The Exchange District Business Improvement Zone is a member-based organization.

On behalf of our nearly 500 businesses, we are dedicated to enhancing, advocating for, and promoting the neighbourhood in partnership with community groups, arts organizations, the City of Winnipeg and other key stakeholders.

Welcome to the Neighbourhood

Centred on the Exchange District National Historic site, the neighbourhood is also home to the city’s theatre district, dozens of Winnipeg’s top restaurants, boutiques, cafe’s, cocktail bars as well as modern residential buildings and offices, and a gorgeous green space park trail along the river to the Forks. Old Market Square, with its iconic Cube stage is a hub of activity, whether serving as the centre of Jazz Winnipeg and the internationally recognized Winnipeg Fringe Festival, as the heart of Nuit Blanche, a community rink in the winter, or any number of community gatherings throughout the year.

Our Membership

Every private-sector business operating within the Exchange District BIZ boundaries is a voting member of the organization. Within the Exchange District, we have a broad variety of businesses ranging from the ground-floor shops, services and restaurants most people associate with the area through to thriving tech, creative, and professional services sectors. These members vote each year at our AGM to elect our board and to approve our budget for the coming year.

What we do

We run several programs and initiatives designed to help in the Exchange District’s continual improvement. Our Maintenance and Beautification team is always looking for ways to keep the neighbourhood looking its best, from running the area’s recycling program and cleaning up unwanted graffiti to planting flowers and working with City staff to ensure physical infrastructure is maintained. Our Community Safety team includes the Exchange Patrol, the neighbourhood’s friendly eyes on the street. We run several promotions and community-oriented activities throughout the year, including our very popular historic walking tours, outdoor active-living programs,